Sunday, May 2, 2010

Special Hardbound and Printing Service for FYP2 IT/IS Students January 2010

Assalamualaikum and very good day...
How's your final year project (FYP) report???
We from Sobrono Bersekutu would like to offer you our printing and
hardbound service.
The details are as follows:
-Printing (both black and color printing using double A paper) RM 0.14 per page
-Hardbound RM 17.00 per booklet. (RM 50.00 for 3 copies and RM 65.00 for 4 copies)

You only need to submit the soft copy of you report to our e-mail.
You are also can submit the hard copy to us if you want to do printing yourself.
All reports can be submitted using .doc and .pdf file only.

For printing and hardbound processes, we will take care of it.

You also need to prepare the cover page and spine cover (please refer
to the fyp guideline) and e-mail to us together with your report.
Attached in this e-mail is the sample of cover page and spine cover format.
Please modify it appropriately.
We won't responsible if it's any wrong information written for both covers.

Here are the important dates that you need to know:
-For printing and hardbound - Due date is on 13th May 2010 (Thursday).
-For hardbound only - Due date is on 15th May 2010 (by 10 pm).

You will get your hardbounded report on 17th May 2010 (Monday midnight).

Regarding the payment method, we will collect money on 15th May (night).

If you are interested with our services, please kindly contact us.

Please spread this offer to your friends.

For further information, please regularly visit this blog or directly contact us:

Ahmad Sobri Hashim 0124041829
Syazwan Haji Noordin 0195693598
Noor Azam Zakaria 0192321000

TQ very much. =)

Best Regards,
Sobrono Bersekutu.

Hardbound Samples (IT/IS) - Dark Blue

Front View

Spine View

Friday, February 5, 2010

keratan akhbar

Kontrak Sobster Tamat Jun Depan

Taman Maju 5 Feb. – CEO dan pengerusi Sobrono Groups Tan Sri Sobster yang bakal tamat kontraknya 9 Jun depan mungkin tidak akan disambung kontraknya. Menurut sumber Tan Sri Sobster bakal diganti dengan naib pengerusi syarikat dan calonya masih menjadi tanda tanya. Sobrono Groups adalah sebuah syarikat konglomerat yang tersenarai dalam Fortune 500 dan di antara syarikat yang paling untung bagi tahun 2009.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Special Offer for Internship Report Service!!!

Assalamualaikum and very good day...

How's your internship report???
We from Sobrono Bersekutu would like to offer you our
printing and hardbound service.
The details are as follows:

-Printing (both black and color printing) RM 0.15 per page
RM 25.00 per booklet.

You need only to submit the soft copy of you report to our e-mail.
For printing and hardbound processes, we will take care of it.
We are already aware that the report should include the signature of your plant supervisor.
If you agree to use our services, you can just scan it and submit to us through the e-mail together with the softcopy of your report.

You might also send your hard copy of your report or signed verification statement from your sv to this address:

No 11, Jalan Maju Aman 2,
Taman Maju,
Bandar Seri Iskandar,
31750 Tronoh,

You also need to prepare the cover page and spine cover (please refer to internship guideline) e-mail to us together with your report.

Here are the important dates that you need to know:
-For printing and hardbound - Dateline is on
20th Jan 2010 (Wednesday).
-For hardbound only - Dateline is on
22nd Jan 2010 (Friday by 5pm).

You will get your hardbounded report on 24th Jan 2010 (Sunday midnight).

Regarding the payment method, we will update it later.

If you got an email from us regarding our service, please reply before 19th Jan 2010 (Tuesday), if you want to accept this offer.

Please spread this offer to your internship friends.

For further information, please contact us:

Ahmad Sobri bin Hashim 0124041829

Syazwan Haji Noordin

Azam Zakaria

TQ very much.

Best Regards,
Sobrono Bersekutu.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jus Mate 5...topic of the week

salah seorg org kuat SOBRONO BERSEKUTU bakal menjadi  pengguna bertuah produk pelangsingan ini...nantikan update dr beliau dengan shape badan unggul bagai seorg model....

6 pax idaman kalbu si dia...~

Mai mai beli Jus Mate....ramai2 jd slim untuk depavali n raya haji yg bakal kunjung tiba xlama lagi...mai secawan!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hari Raya Selamat Juga Ada.


Walaupun tajuk macam bangla je rima sususan kosa kata nya, kami dari Sobrono Bersekutu hanyalah ingin menyampaikan Salam Aidilfitri dan memohon ampun dan maaf atas segala silap dan salah kepada -

; pelanggan-pelanggan Premium perkhidmatan kami (nilai perdagangan 140 000 IDR dan ke atas)

; pelanggan-pelanggan Gold (nilai perdagangan tidak melebihi 140 000 IDR) .

; rakan taulan sahabai handai teman dan temin.

; seluruh umat islam yang sudi berpuasa dan seterusnya menyambut Aidilfitri ini.

Semoga kalian berbahagia di samping insan tersayang di hari bahagia ini. Amin.

dari kami Sobrono Bersekutu

Sekian, wassalam.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So long and good night.


This messed up message you found above has been encrypted with "Cool Encrypter/Decrypter". Will you help us all here at Sobrono's by decrypting it at so all our fellow readers can get the message? Well you will need to know the key of course. The key is only a 4-digit number of one of Sobrono's blog contributor's car, which start with JJJ. Ok, until then, so long and good night.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

TEst....Test ....Test.....

arakian nya maka telah menjadi tradisi zaman berzaman sebelom bermulanya mid sem break maka akan excitedlah lecturer2 menyediakan kudapan ilmiah kepada pelajar2 mereka berupa TEST...dlm bahasa ibunda nya pula UJIAN

Test merupakan satu beban kewajipan bg studentszszz.....bagaimana pula dari pandangan seorang tutor aka pengawas ujian aka pak guard test:

1) Ketika ini tutor akan dpt melihat dan observe pelbagai gelagat student. Contohnya, gaya duduk yg pelbagai

gaya duduk "terkapai dalam anganku"

Gaya duduk "kusyuk mengahyati juadah"

2) Dan yg paling penting...ketika ini adalah mase keemasan utk tutor2 berbual sosial dgn kuat...

saudagar big bird's lamborian try jual myk urut kpd YB. SOBRI

warga ibu berbicara perihal kawin misyar

3) LAstly...saat2 utk mengenang pengalaman ketika masih muda

tangisan seorg tutor berkarisma~

Kepada rakan2 sume...selamat maju jaya dlm setiap test yg anda lalui dari kami di SOBRONO BERSEKUTU

jgn tiru perbuatan ini